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Harford County 

Tag Challenge and Point Series

May 3rd, 2020 through November

Harford County Point Series and Tag Challenge Rules and Procedures

1. Price of Tags- The price of a Harco Tag and to enter the Point Series is $10.00. This money is used for the Tag/Point Finale slated to be in May. If we decide to get different tags the next year, we will change the price accordingly.  


2. Playing for Tags- You can play for tags anytime you want, at any course you want with other holders of Scarboro Tags.


3. Sunday Morning Tag Matches/ Point Series- Official Harco Tag Matches will be played on Sundays at Scarboro Hills and Mill Brook. The matches will start at 10:00 a.m. except during football season (Week 1 through Super Bowl Sunday) where it starts at 9:30 a.m... 

3a. Sunday Morning Tag/ Point Series Procedures- Before the round starts, players will sign in with the Tag Coordinator (TC). The TC will ask you if you would like to be in the Ace Pot for that day. If you would like to be in, you will give him/her $1.00 before the round starts or you’re not in the Ace Pot that round. After the signing in process is finished, the groups will be broken up into groups of no more than 4 for speed of play. The pads to play that day will be determined by each person putting there league tag in a bag. The TC will draw one tag out and that person will pick the pads to play that day. Each group will keep there own score and will turn the scorecard into the TC at the end of the round. The tags will be laid out from highest to lowest (Example 1,2,4,16, 27) for everyone to see. The TC will go through the scores, writing them down from lowest to highest. (Example Tom 54, Matt 58, Steve 60). The lowest score will get the highest tag. (Example 1, 13, 27 our up for grabs. Tom’s 54 will earn him the 1, Matt’s 58 will earn him the 13, and Steve’s 60 will earn him the 27). The points for the Point Series will be awarded at the end according to the point system (see 3c).


3b. The Point Series- You can only score points for the Point Series during Sunday morning rounds. The points for that round will be determined by the amount of people who played that day. You earn an extra point for winning and three extra points for an in round ace.



Tom 54, Steve 55, Matt 56, Jon 57 with an in round ace.

Tom receives 4 points + 1 point for winning = 5 points

Steve receives 3 points

Matt receives 2 points

Jon receives 1 point + 3 for an in round ace = 4 points


Twice a year there will be a Double Point Day (DPD) for those who are in the bottom 25% of the point series standings. That round wherever he/she finishes, their points will be doubled. This allows people that cannot make it out on a regular basis a chance to make some ground in the standings. DPD will alternate between Scarboro Hills and Churchville Rec. The TC will let you know ahead of time which day DPD will be.


3c. Tie breakers for in round scores- If you tie someone you have two options.Option A- If you are not able to do a playoff with the person you tie, you must take the lower tag and points.Option B- If both parties are able to do a playoff, they both play until one person wins. The winner will get the higher tag and points.


3d. Sunday Morning Tag/ Point Series Weather Procedures- Sunday Morning Tags will NEVER be canceled. If the Tag Coordinator (TC) does not show, it’s the responsibility of the players involved to get their scores to the TC so they can be rewarded the points they earned that day.


3e. Make sure all scores are correct before handing in your scorecard to the TC. Once your scorecards are turned in, your marked score will be your final score.

4. Sunday Morning Ace Pot- The ace pot on Sunday morning is completely optional. The cost is $1.00. Your $1.00 needs to be handed in before the round starts. If someone hits an ace he/she will get half of the ace pot. The ace pot will get no bigger then $200. At that time, it will be split up as follows:

($200) $100 stays in ace pot

           $50 goes towards end of the year Tag Finale

           $25 will go to the Harford County Disc Golf Club for maintenance

           $25 will go to a Closets To Pin (CTP) contest the following week


4a. Closest to Pin Competition- To be eligible for the CTP contest you must have been in the ace pot once in between CTP's


5. Turning in your Tag- When you purchase a Tag, you are asked to play at least once a month. We realize that people have lives outside of tags and things happen in our lives that don’t allow us to come on a regular basis. With that said you are not required to turn in your tag if you are going to miss long periods of time. That is up to the tag holder and what they want to do. If they decide to turn in their tag, it will go into play and that person will get the lowest tag that week.


6. Lost/Broken Tags- If you lose or break your tag you must buy a new one to participate. Cost will be $10.


7. Leaving Early- If you need to leave early during a Tag Match you will receive the lowest tag that week.


8. The Tag Finale- The Tag finale will be end of the year tournament where the Tags and Point Series will end for that year. It’s slated to be sometime in November.

Site designed and operated voluntarily by Paul Smith

Provided by Harford County Disc Golf Club. Copyright 2023

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