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October 22, 2011

Thank you to those that came out for the very first SolNyx. Overall it was a success. We raised some funds for the Scarboro Hills Disc Golf Club and the Mason-Dixon Food Locker. Hope everyone had fun. We'll try to make it even better for next year.

Night Golf Doubles Winners:

Nick Oeming and Anton Smith (46)

Safari Golf Winner:

Scott Hawks (18)

Safari Golf Layout Played

  1. Tee 1 Blue to Basket 2B

  2. Tee 6 to Basket 8A

  3. Tee 12 Blue to Basket 13A

  4. Tee 15 Blue to Basket 18A

Raffle Winner: Colin Moretz (Fade Zombie bag full of discs)

Tournament Director:

Don Simonetti


Scorpio Disc Golf

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